First off, we need to make an apology. Apparently we have been calling one of our subjects of interest by the incorrect name: Carter Bays. It should, in fact be Carter L. Bays. How did we procure such information, you ask? Well, this week we finally decided to get serious with our stalking…we mean research…so we headed to Olin to gather some information. And what information we found! First, we hit up the old Argus archives from ’94 –’97 (let us tell you, it was “da bomb”) and, BEHOLD, discovered that Carter L. Bays was in fact an Argus writer himself! He was an editor (mainly for the Ampersand) but apparently also moonlighted as a features editor and wrote a column about local eateries called “Eating Out with Carter L. Bays.” (Even more fascinating, Typhoon has been around since the ’90’s!!!) Intrigued? Don’t worry, we’ll have lots more to share with you in the coming weeks. Conspicuously missing from our findings, however, was ANYTHING ABOUT CRAIG THOMAS. Hundreds of pages of article skimming, on the look-out for any mention of him and…nothing appeared but a yearbook photo, which seems suspect. This led us to postulate a theory: Craig Thomas is not actually a real person, but rather a figment of Carter L. Bays’ twisted mind…his imaginary friend, if you will. On a side note, we found nothing about Joss Whedon anywhere (and truly, we looked). Did he even go here? Did he ever graduate? WHY MUST HE ELUDE US SO? Ahem…anyway…By this time, we are sure you are wondering a few things. First and foremost, what DOES the ‘L’ stand for in Carter L. Bays. We will merely direct you to our findings from the ’97 Olla Podrida. Loard? What the fuck’s up with that, right? More findings to come…