Check out this week’s episode of Argus News Radio!

As always, ANR host Andrea Domanick ’10 has headlines to kick off the show. This episode we feature an interview with Daniel Charness ’10, who is writing his senior thesis on the incredible phenomenon of Beatlemania. Prepare yourself for a fanmail read-aloud.

We also feature a brand new ANR segment: Scientific Banter Essentials. Scientific Banter is a weekly WESU show focused on the latest scientific innovations (both real and imagined), hosted by Spencer Sheridan ’10 and Mary Lauren Hall ’10. This week, they’ve stripped down the banter to the bare essentials. Join Spencer for a discussion on Vatican space policy.

Thanks as always to producers Sam Bernhardt ’10 and Mary Longley ’10, and contributor Ezra Silk ’10 for making the show possible.

Click here to listen.

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