Before my interview with the kids from Waiting in Line (Wesleyan’s easiest a cappella group) even began, the members of the troupe started telling me everything (and I mean everything) I ever needed to know about themselves. Waiting in Line is made up of 12 very extroverted individuals, who enjoy discussing everything from the effects of LSD on two-year-olds to the best way to make a paper airplane. They also wanted to make it very clear that Kanye is a jackass and that their concerts usually have themes (complete with dress-up). Their next concert will be sometime during finals week.

Argus: If Waiting in Line were a drink, what would it be?

WIL: Can we suggest questions?

A: Sure.

WIL: Actually we don’t have any, but we would like you to know that if we were a car, we would be a converted hybrid.  Also, we’re the sexiest a cappella group on campus, but we don’t like to say that.  We just like to know it.

A: So what kind of drink would you be?

WIL: Either a meat smoothie or a strawberry daiquiri because we’re sweet and easy.  Actually we’re more like a roofied daiquiri.

A: If you could resurrect any dead person, who would it be?

WIL: Ambrose Burnside, the guy who invented sideburns, or Aaliyah, because she would add something to the group.

A: If your life (as an a cappella group) had a soundtrack, what would be on it?

WIL: Definitely “My Heart Will Go On,” “Circle of Life,” and “Il Fortuna.” Also Taylor Swift.

A: I noticed you guys all had nicknames at your concert last Sunday. Is there a story behind that?

WIL: Once upon a time Nic Wilder [’11] got bored one afternoon and procrastinated by giving everyone nicknames, most of which are “How I Met Your Mother” references that no one gets. It’s a tradition, because for the first concert of every year we do something special for the newbies. We just like to do silly shit.

A: What is your most irrational fear?

WIL: That the really small rubber bands that restaurants put around take-out boxes will snap in my face when I try to take them off.

A: Have you ever had a performance go too far?

WIL: Yes. During a concert when Nic and Mike were freshmen the group sang a song that was brought out of retirement (probably prematurely) called “As Long As You Munch Me.” It was about oral sex.

A: If you were a Lady Gaga music video, which one would you be?

WIL: [At this point in the interview there was a lengthy debate between supporters of “Bad Romance” and “Paparazzi,” with the end result that wearing a polar bear and killing a guy with sex meant “Bad Romance” won.] “Bad Romance.”

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