Over the weekend Jerry Seinfeld was spotted on campus! Or was he?



  • Wait… that WAS Jerry Seinfeld?!
  • What?! Where? Better question, why?
  • I saw some doofy kid following him around with a camera.
  • Is he still here? Im gonna go stalk him
  • saw him crossing the CFA area. someone following him with a handi-cam. heard him say, “So this is Wesleyan, in Middletown, CT.”  What the fuck is going on?
  • Why do I have a feeling everyone in this thread is full of BS
  • hes not doing a show but he was herree! i think it has something to do with admissions. I DUNOOOO
  • Who the fuck cares? No one watched that show.
  • WHy do people like that show? It wasn’t funny. All the jokes were jewier than a pastrami on rye.  Call me when you spot Homer… Simpson.
  • This whole thread is probably just the first guy saying everything. They wouldn’t be filming anything today anyway, it’s nasty out
    • No, I promise you. I saw him. I’m in the CFA right now. He’s in a blue-green raincoat.
    • Whoever started this thread should have done their research first, he’s playing a show in Minneapolis tonight: http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/060042FBBEE08FEB?artistid=795942&majorcatid=10002&minorcatid=51. Case closed
    • FAIL
    • Hello, this is Jerry Seinfeld. I loved visiting your campus. It was a pleasure and I love the student body. Thank You!
    • lol wtf this is obviously not Jerry Seinfeld. How would he know about the ACB? why would he care enough to post on our stupid ACB website? OP is so dumb
    • Thank you so much for pointing that out; there might have been one severely brain-damaged individual reading this to whom that was not immediately obvious.
    • Thank you so much for pointing that out obliquely; there might have been one severely brain-damaged individual reading this to whom the insincerity of that post was not immediately obvious.
    • Guys, stop being so vicious! –Jerry S


To: That creepy guy who goes to parties and intentionally farts… I am on to you. If I see you out again I am going to rat you out to everyone. And you will be really embarrassed, so just STOP it. It is gross and NOT funny.

Sometimes I think that we are not free… Sometimes I think that the matrix is real…


  • Whoa man, you just blew my mind.
  • and what if it were? Make the best of what you’ve got. The steak will always taste better than the gruel.
  • Statistically, it’s highly improbable that we aren’t living in some kind of computer simulation. There’s tons of reading on it. It’ll blow your mind.
  • we are not free unless we live in the reality we create for ourselves


Since we are at war with Islam… is it wrong to buy falafel from the mamoun’s truck? This is important, because I have the feeling that I will be hungry tonight.


  • it’s alright, as long as when you pick up your falafel you say “death to america” and give him a sly win
  • not if you feels those falafel balls are weapons of mass destruction
    • Are you sure? It sure looks like it.


About Ezra Silk

I have been interested in journalism ever since I was an editor at my high school student newspaper, where I was involved in a freedom of speech controversy that was covered in the local newspaper as well as local television and radio outlets. The ACLU became involved, and the ensuing negotiations lead to a liberalization of my school's freedom of expression policy. I worked as a summer intern at the Hartford Courant after my freshman year at Wesleyan, reporting for the Avon Bureau under Bill Leukhardt and publishing over 30 stories. At the Argus I have been a news reporter, news assistant editor, news editor, features editor, editor-in-chief, executive editor, blogger, and multimedia director. I have overseen the redesign of wesleyanargus.com, founding the Blargus and initiating ArgusVideo at the beginning of my time as editor-in-chief during the spring of my junior year. During my senior year, I have co-edited the Blargus with Gianna Palmer and founded Argus News Radio, a 15-minute weekly show produced by WESU 88.1 on which I conduct a weekly segment interviewing seniors about their thesis topics. I have written over 70 stories at the Argus and continue to do reporting and blogging as much as I can.

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