Here’s the latest installment of your funny, absurd, and just so “Wesleyan” observations from around campus.

Sci Li Basement:

  • “Dude, you titled your epilepsy paper ‘Seize the Day’..?”


  • “May I ask whose ball sack it was?”
  • “Great, NOW I have herpes.”
  • During Parents Weekend: “Three or four times today I’ll have seen someone from behind and thought it was a hipster… then they turn around and it turns out to be someone’s grandpa!”

Outside Olin:

  • “It’s my half birthday on Thursday–let’s get half wasted!”
  • On a Sunday: “We were all robbed.” “Yeah, man, this weekend was like Grand Theft Dignity.”
  • Friday night: “YOU CAN’T STOP ME, HOT DOG MAN!”


  • Contributor: “What do you think of Rahm Emanuel?” to Mytheos Holt: “What do you think of Al Capone?”


  • “I’m gonna put a chastity belt on that girl…”

Andrus Field:

  • “I didn’t want you to think I was taking a class that just, like, teaches weird sex positions.”


  • “Yeah man, I can remember songs the second I hear them. I have, like, a photographic memory.”
  • “Until recently, I always thought Connecticut was south of Maryland…”

Keep the submissions flowing and yours could be seen in WeSeen & Heard’s next edition! Contribute anonymously via the box at right or visit our Facebook page.

About ibondell

Ilana Bondell has been a passionate proponent of the new media movement for ages now, as she slaved away on several online publications over the years back home in New York City. This past summer she interned as a writer for a shopping blog. At her high school, Ilana was Editor-in-Chief of both the school's news blog and lit mag. She's a natural-born observer, and is putting these skills to good use through "WeSeen&heard," a column documenting the strange and raw goings-on of Wesleyan and the Middletown Community. She may be but a wee freshman, but this doesn't stop her from having high hopes for Blargus and her future as a fierce roving reporter.

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