This week the ACB provided a forum for anonymous students to discuss, among other things, pollution, lesbian sex, and Eclectic’s smell. Read on, and if you feel inclined, follow the links to throw in your own opinion.

. Are cigarettes in any way biodegradable?


  • Cigarette filters take like 10 years to break down. The rest of it would break down after a heavy rain?
  • Tobacco leaves…. LEAVES. Paper …. wood pulp, Fiberglass… priceless. Smoke weed, it’s better for the environment.
  • Cigarette butts are 25% of the world’s garbage by volume. The cellulose acetate (I think that’s the material) takes a long time to decompose.

Q. Can someone explain scissoring to me? Girl on girl? ~the ignorant


Q. What does Eclectic smell like?


  • toe squashed grapes, gum, cum, and body odor
  • cigarettes, ether, and jungle juice
  • whiskey, privilege, and broken dreams.

About Ezra Silk

I have been interested in journalism ever since I was an editor at my high school student newspaper, where I was involved in a freedom of speech controversy that was covered in the local newspaper as well as local television and radio outlets. The ACLU became involved, and the ensuing negotiations lead to a liberalization of my school's freedom of expression policy. I worked as a summer intern at the Hartford Courant after my freshman year at Wesleyan, reporting for the Avon Bureau under Bill Leukhardt and publishing over 30 stories. At the Argus I have been a news reporter, news assistant editor, news editor, features editor, editor-in-chief, executive editor, blogger, and multimedia director. I have overseen the redesign of, founding the Blargus and initiating ArgusVideo at the beginning of my time as editor-in-chief during the spring of my junior year. During my senior year, I have co-edited the Blargus with Gianna Palmer and founded Argus News Radio, a 15-minute weekly show produced by WESU 88.1 on which I conduct a weekly segment interviewing seniors about their thesis topics. I have written over 70 stories at the Argus and continue to do reporting and blogging as much as I can.

1 Comment

  1. Anon

    Really? The Argus is re-posting ACB threads? This is so Pathetic. There are incredible articles about the budget crisis and a campus dialogue that needs to happen and you’re wasting space on this?

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