Here is the most recent collection of items seen and overheard around Wes.

  • An older woman storming into Weshop demanding to know “who the FUCK parked their blue Maryland minivan on top of my car?!!?,” manically questioning innocent patrons and Weshop employees alike.
  • Overheard on Frat Row: “I used to smoke weed every day before chamber singer.”
  • Inside the sukkah on Foss, a middle-aged man exclaiming, “They stole all the bamboo from the pandas and now it’s panda-monium!”
  • Economics student reading the London School of Economics Course Catalog: “This is basically porn for me.”

And a special compilation of charming freshmen antics in Fauver & Clark:

  • “The sad thing about Dido music is that it has to end…”
  • A stray pair of white panties with hearts lying on the floor of the hallway in Fauver.
  • Vomit hardening in the Fauver bathroom sink for a full week before being removed.
  • The joyous tunes of “Mulan” blaring Sunday morning from a Clark lounge area.
  • A mystery culprit burning popcorn in the Fauver kitchen, setting off a fire alarm at 5AM on a Friday night. Every resident of Fauver was evacuated and stood shivering in their various pajama and underwear ensembles as firemen inspected the site, while a few stray frosh were just returning from their respective nights of mayhem, drunkenly unable to comprehend the scene before them.

Notice anything funny, absurd, or just so “Wesleyan” around campus yourself? Contribute via our fancy new anonymous submission box (at right) or through our Facebook group.

About ibondell

Ilana Bondell has been a passionate proponent of the new media movement for ages now, as she slaved away on several online publications over the years back home in New York City. This past summer she interned as a writer for a shopping blog. At her high school, Ilana was Editor-in-Chief of both the school's news blog and lit mag. She's a natural-born observer, and is putting these skills to good use through "WeSeen&heard," a column documenting the strange and raw goings-on of Wesleyan and the Middletown Community. She may be but a wee freshman, but this doesn't stop her from having high hopes for Blargus and her future as a fierce roving reporter.

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