I’ve received a couple of emails asking after the origin of the title of the column.  House Lions is both named after and is something of a response to the title of one of Sonia Sanchez’s collections of poems “Does Your House Have Lions?” which explores the death of Sanchez’s half brother and draws heavily on an ancestral voice, which finds strength within an intensely painful time. At its best, the work of Sanchez’s ancestral voice is some of the work that poetry can do. House Lions was created to celebrate all of the poets on the Wesleyan campus, regardless of their style or subject matter. If you would like to be a featured reader on the show, send an email to sknittle@wesleyan.edu with a couple of poems and a line or two about your work.

Additionally, look out for more information about our recordings before a live audience as we move into the Shapiro Creative Writing Center every other Monday between 9-10 PM. Our live recordings series will kick of with Peter Myers ’13 (keep track of this kid – he’s going to be a big deal) at 9 PM in the Shapiro Creative Writing Center on Monday, November 2nd.

Also in the Shapiro Creative Writing Center – check out the monthly workshops of the Pedestrian Collective, the editorial board of the Pedestrian, Wesleyan’s only themed literary magazine.

Next week: check out the work of our featured reader – Maya Odim ’10, which will be posted on Friday, October 30th.

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