As the leaves change colors and the days get shorter, we all want the same simple comforts. Rich, steaming hot chocolate. Thick, delicious soups. Lazy mornings and cuddling. Anything that will make us feel warm and cozy. Things that will help us forget about midterms for a while. On these autumn days, I turn to music for this same effect. I crave simple, beautiful songs, played with real instruments and sung in honest voices. It’s also nice to have something new, albums that you haven’t heard a thousand times. Here are some tracks for you guys…

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These songs are off the Monsters of Folk’s self-titled EP. A folk supergroup made up of Jim James, Conor Oberst, Mike Mogis, and M. Ward, they dropped this album this September to some serious critical acclaim. I’m not going to review this album or talk about the contributions of each member—that’s not the point of this post. All I want to do is show you these songs and hope that they’ll remind you to enjoy these beautiful fall days. Enjoy!

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  1. Jess L.

    so true. sitting in my house and no one is up yet. I have some english breakfast tea and want to scramble some eggs. The leaves outside are wet and orange. And this is the perfect sound track to a entering-fall and feeling good life.

  2. Sasha F.

    Aaron, I love your post! It makes me think of all that’s good. Monsters of Folk is actually performing in NYC on November 6th and 8th. I would say we should go but they might be much better enjoyed as you say, curled up and cozy :) Hope you’re having a good time with your sis, come across the street sometime and I’ll build you a fire!

  3. Nick H.

    Awesome recommendation. I downloaded the songs on itunes yesterday and have been listening to them nonstop. I’ll check back for new posts, keep em coming, I need to build up my collection.

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