Buru Style is one of the most prolific on-campus bands, a reggae/dub/funk ensemble that recently played in the WestCo Courtyard and will open for State Radio in Northampton on Halloween. Their latest album, “The Crab” is out now. Visit www.toussaintandburu.com for more music!

Argus: How did your band form?

Buru Style: Bill is the lone founding member left. There have been about 25 people in the band over the years. It was formed in 2007, with zero ambition. Our first gig was some party on Lawn, and our saxophone player got food poisoning like ten minutes before the show, so we played bass, drums, and had someone sampling on a laptop for like three hours and people loved it!

A: What was it like recording your latest album, “The Crab”?

BS: It was magical. We bought all of our closest friends and family members a lot of alcohol, put them in a room, and recorded the album while we played for them.

A: Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?

BS: Wherever we’ll be, we’ll be playing naked. Maybe in Mexico.

A: What does your name mean?

BS: Buru was a form of religious music in colonial Jamaica. Now it’s a secularized, urban, inner-city thing. Our name specifically comes from a Skatalite song called “Buru Style.”

A: What has been your favorite gig that you played on campus?

BS: One of our favorites was the holiday show at BuHo. It was all nondenominational, dub-ified holiday music. Another fun one was Miles Turner’s Intergalactic African Extravaganza.

A: Who would you like to go on tour with?

BS: Soulive. Sharon Jones. Slightly Stoopid.

A: Is it safe to assume you love Bob Marley?

BS: We all love Bob Marley, but like a third cousin you never see, because we never listen to him.

A: What was the first CD/tape/record you ever bought?

BS: Lou Bega’s “Mambo #5” and Miles Davis’ “Kind of Blue” on the same day, which is pretty weird. Alanis Morrissette. Weird Al. Sugar Ray or Smashmouth.

A: If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

BS: “Hit Me Baby One More Time.” [Editor’s note:  I am supposed to make sure everyone knows that Jacob Schofield said that.] Monty Python’s “The Penis Song.” The theme to “Rocky.”

A: Who is the character you most identify with from movies or books?

BS: Michael Corleone. Shrek. Mumble from “Happy Feet.”

A: Why did Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize?

BS: That’s our next question too. It’s all about hope. In fact, Obama is like Buru Style because he inspires hope. Also didn’t they vote for the winner like two months ago?

A: Who is your favorite famous Wesleyan alum?

BS: Martin Luther King Jr., Shaggy, John Wayne, Freddy Mercury, Mr. Butterfield and Mr. Olin. Also, Led Zeppelin went here.

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