Everyone’s favorite column is back, because let’s face it – your decisions are always much better when you’re not the one who makes them.



It’s the weekend, so knock back some sake bombs and stumble over to the World Music Hall for some Music from Japan at 7. Leave early so you can make it over to “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged).” Make sure you drink every time any play from Shakespeare is referenced..Afterwards, head over to Eclectic to have your mind blown by excellently-named garage rocker Kurt Vile, and whatever it is that you choose to swallow, as your night slips beyond memory….



Wake up under the warm afternoon sunlight. Grab brunch, and go check out the matinee of “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)” – it’s not like you remember it from the night before anyways! That night, blaze like a SoCal forest and go groove to Buru Style w/ Toussant Liberator at the Fishbone Café. While there, bake like a birthday cake (Happy Birthday, Gabe). 


(NOTE: The Wesleyan Argus does not endorse underage drinking or the illegal use of controlled substances)

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