The Last Minutes, an on-campus group of rockers, is made up of Bella Loggins ’10, Ryan Rodger ’11, Katherine McDonald ’11, and Ben Block ’11. They played at Eclectic on Friday night with Cymbals Eat Guitars and BLK JKS. Catch The Last Minutes at The Shadow Room on Wednesday Oct. 14th (and/or check out their new EP online).

Argus: Who are your musical influences?
The Last Minutes: 98 Degrees. Kenny Loggins. Actually, Norah Jones, Lauryn Hill and John Fruiscante. We’re influenced by hip-hop as well as rock.

A: What would be the lineup of your dream concert?
LM: The Roots, Umphrey’s McGee, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix.

A: Most overrated artist today?
LM: Kid Cudi.

A: Most underrated?
LM: That’s like asking for our indie credentials! Monty Montgomery is a really, really great guitar player.

A: What was your favorite concert?
LM: Either Radiohead, The Roots, The Allman Brothers, or The Gypsy Kings.

A: Have you had any bad concert experiences at your shows?
LM: Ryan sprained his ankle before a WestCo Café show and had to play sitting down the whole time. Another time we played a show in Fayerweather and all his pedals broke and none of the mics were working, so we basically played a show without a guitarist or vocals. Luckily no one was there but our friends!

A: Who would you most like to go on tour with?
LM: Wordsmith.

A: If your band were an animal, what would it be?
LM: An underweight silverback gorilla with claws.

A: If you were all going to fight each other, who would win?
LM: Ben has been training, but Ryan would win.

A: Rock or roll?
LM: Roll!

A: Hippies or hipsters?
LM: Hippies.

A: Swine flu or H1N1?
LM: Swine flu has a classic sound, but we like H1N1 better.

A: DKE or Beta?
LM: Whoever’s floors are less sticky. Beta is beta than the others.

A: Best pickup line you’ve ever heard?
LM: Good show guys.

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