At long last, the first installation has arrived— WeSeen&Heard is a compilation of all things funny, absurd or just “so Wesleyan” overheard and/or spotted around campus.  Think of it as a collective campus snoop, if you will.

On Foss Hill:

“I just need a toilet other than my own to throw up in.”

“Bleachers, get off Foss! You don’t even smoke pot.”

Overheard in Olin Library:

“I don’t think its herpes.”  Pause.  “No, it was all over her mouth.”

Sign language student signing “I am the egg-man, I am the egg-man, I am the walrus cookoo cachoo.”  (Explains: “This is what I do at Olin.”)

On William & Hamlin Sts (by Broad St Books):

Woman going into labor on the sidewalk, flanked by locals, eventually picked up in a blue car blasting TI’s “Live Your Life.”

Middletown resident on Main St:

“You should go up to Wesleyan. I got 131 girls up there I’m messin wit.”

To get in on the WeSeen & Heard action, post your own submissions to our Facebook group or email them to  (Note: names/email addresses of contributors will not be identified when submissions are posted on the Blargus.)  Also stay tuned for an anonymous submission box!

About ibondell

Ilana Bondell has been a passionate proponent of the new media movement for ages now, as she slaved away on several online publications over the years back home in New York City. This past summer she interned as a writer for a shopping blog. At her high school, Ilana was Editor-in-Chief of both the school's news blog and lit mag. She's a natural-born observer, and is putting these skills to good use through "WeSeen&heard," a column documenting the strange and raw goings-on of Wesleyan and the Middletown Community. She may be but a wee freshman, but this doesn't stop her from having high hopes for Blargus and her future as a fierce roving reporter.

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