Jenny Huang ‘11 and Eli Hetko ‘11 are the cohosts of “This Machine Kills Fascists,” which airs on Wednesday nights at midnight on WESU. The two sat down for an interview with the Argus, during which they discussed everything from KMFDM to Israeli punk.

Argus: Tell us about your show.
Jenny: Basically, it’s music that defies tradition or structure, both in a musical and social sense.  We play punk and folk.
A: And folk punk?
J: And folk punk.  Also we have theme nights.  Our favorite is experimental or noise.  It’s pure chaos for an hour and a half.

A: What does a typical playlist for your show look like?
J: We played Lightning Bolt every night last year.  
Eli: We also played Monotonix.  They’re an Israeli punk band. They sound like a combination of Borat and Led Zeppelin. Fun is an important part of the show. Sometimes I just put on banjo music.
J: There’s so much personal freedom with college radio.
E: Yeah, we get to stick it to the man with this show and defy the authority of corporate syndicate radio. Rupert Murdoch doesn’t control my show!

A: Favorite new artist?
E: AIDS Wolf. But I guess they’re actually a couple years old.
J: My summer soundtrack was Discovery. They’re a side project of one of the guys from Vampire Weekend and one of the guys from Ra Ra Riots.  They sound like white boys trying to do R&B electronically. So college.

A: Guilty pleasure?
J: Bomb the Music Industry. They’re what Blink-182 would sound like if they played more ska-punk and put out their own records.
E: Merle Haggard.

A: What was your favorite concert?
E: I just got back from Russia, and while I was there I saw this hardcore show in some strange town in Russia. The music was pretty good, but the best part was when all these guy started linking arms in the mosh pit and forming two separate sides. I kind of got roped in and then there was a break in the music and everyone just ran at each other and there was this massive collision. Punk is not ironic in Russia.
J: Yeah, I’m a lot less participatory in concerts. Before I was old and lame I saw Matt and Kim in Brooklyn and crowd surfed. The best concert here was definitely when we saw Albatross at Eclectic.  
E: Yeah we try to fight each other at every show we go to here. Or she just jumps on my back and doesn’t let go the entire time.

A: How do you feel about music snobs?
E: Knock, knock.
J:  Who’s there?
E: Music critic.
J:  Music critic who?
E: You mean you don’t already know?!
J:  Fuck off.

A: Do people ever call in to your show?
J: Mostly our friends call us when they’re really drunk.
E: Yeah once one of them called like seven times asking us to play Lil Wayne and some dirty gangster rap, which doesn’t really go with our show’s format. But then again, our show is all about breaking the mold.
J: Yeah, it can lead to some interesting experiences.

A: How did you two meet?
J: I think it was during orientation week.
E: Yeah we were both in the Nics but we met when we were chilling on Foss.
J: I was like,“Who’s this loser from upstate?”

A: MGMT or Santogold?
Both: MGMT

A: “Mad Men” or “How I Met Your Mother?”
J:  I don’t know either of those shows.  
E: I don’t really watch TV.

A: Vinyl or cassettes?
E: Cassettes in the car, vinyl at home
J: Which do you prefer? Tapes or CDs?
A: CDs
J: Wanna CDs nuts?
E: That’s from Snoop Dogg.


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