Perhaps due to its formidable length, Wednesday night’s screening of The Godfather: Part II at the Center For Film Studies attracted only a few dozen intrepid filmgoers. The legendary film, which clocked in at just under three and a half hours, marked the start of Wesleyan’s fall film series. While the movie’s epic length was surely taxing to the attention spans of some audience members (for one, my own), the comfy theater and authentic 35mm projection made for a fine filmgoing experience.

Don’t fret if you missed the show, though: films will be screening four nights a week, Wednesday through Saturday, for weeks to come. In addition to recent crowd-pleasers such as Up and The Hangover, you’ll be able to catch many classics, including six Elia Kazan films that are part of the Elia Kazan centennial celebration taking place this semester at Wes. So next time you’re planning to spend the evening studying, stop and ask yourself whether you’d rather be enjoying a quality movie at a great venue that’s just around the corner.

About dnass

Daniel Nass is a freshman hailing from Arlington, MA. A prospective film major and unrepentant Music Snob, Daniel will be covering Wesleyan arts, culture, and more (probably).

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