The quasi-spontaneous dance party that took place last Saturday night in the lobby of the Science Center wasn’t just a great time—it was an embodiment of this spring’s vast potential. One would think that, given the University’s recent history with loud, public, spontaneous parties, and the strained relationship between our students and Public Safety since the Fountain incident, this spur-of-the-moment impulsiveness would lead to a chaotic mess, punctuated by arrests and humiliation for everyone involved. Instead, this anarchic, impetuous, wonderful after-party embodies the ideals that were seemingly endangered in the wake of the Fountain incident. We commend all of the students for acting spontaneously yet rationally, and Public Safety for proceeding with restraint—for looking out for our safety rather than their liability. 

Much like the festival that materialized outside Usdan after Obama was elected, this after-party shows that the student body can—and should—assert its dominance over the University’s public space. It’s important to remember that there aren’t specific locations where parties are allowed or aren’t allowed—parties, and fun, are inherently not location-specific. We are excited to see students reclaiming common University spaces not just for parties, but also as venues for shows and exhibitions—much like Molly Birnbaum’s Dance thesis that evolved into this party. 

It’s also important to remember that these events can’t be planned—they have to be born from spontaneity and impulsiveness—so something exactly like this party can’t happen again. Instead, we should look at our surroundings and see what other buildings or locations could be used as venues for expression, and rather than trying to recreate this particular party, we should focus on creating something new, something as equally chaotic and exciting. 

So, in the tradition of the short-lived flash party, we hope that in the remaining weeks before graduation, the members of the Wesleyan community continue to have this symbiotic relationship, both with the venues themselves, and with each other.

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