In preparation for an exciting new season of American Idol, our reporters hit the streets to see what the past Idol winners were up to these days.

Season 5 winner Taylor Hicks was spotted in the 96th street subway station in New York City. Voice reverberating throughout the tile-lined corridors, Hicks was seen singing his soulful tunes into a portable cd/radio player next to an open guitar case. “I’ve found that American Idol really has gained me a lot of fame,” Hicks said when we walked closer. “I get a lot of second takes from passersby, as if they can’t believe that they’re really listening to the Taylor Hicks on the morning commute. It was tough, getting this spot in the 96th street station. Those auditions are rough, especially with your competition being guys with a bamboo flutes and synths.”

When Clay Aiken was mentioned, a disgusted look crossed Hicks’ face. “Aiken? Please, the man didn’t even win American Idol. So what if he has more albums out than me?” Our staff attempted to contact Aiken, but was unable to contact the star directly. Rumor has it that Aiken is looking to make an appearance on next season’s Fear Factor in hopes of winning another Reality Show Fan Favorite award.

Little is known of many of the other Idol winners. Hicks said that he has heard that Carrie Underwood, winner of season 4, is now holding a sign advertising a furniture blowout sale outside a mall in New Jersey.

“I heard that Ruben Studdard was trying to use his fame to get a pastry or sandwich or something named after him. I don’t know about you, but a Studdard sandwich? No thanks,” Hicks commented.


  1. Stephanie

    Clay Aiken (The Gayken) might have more albums out than Hicks, but The Gayken’s don’t sell, except for the ones bought up by the Claymates who each buy several copies, to make it look like he has a following besides them. If The Gayken were to appear on “Fear Factor,” HE would be one of the things that would scare the contestants half to death. That guy is scary!! He totally gives me the creeps!!

  2. Gia

    Sounds like sour grapes to me. Just do your dating game thing on Regis and Kelly and you will get some air time. Grease is the word.

  3. Annie

    This article has a twisted sense of humour!

    I really wonder waht Taylor Hicks is doing now? I know the Idol judges must berated themselves for having put through such a “talent” on the show.

    Plus, after last night’s Season 8’s debut, uum, hhm…well, I wonder what the judges are thinking.

  4. darlin

    In addition to doubling the box office take at Grease Hicks has been busy making an album with many of Claptons band. They are saying great things about him. His producer was Simon Climie. He has his own record label now. What have you been doing this last year? In fact, who the hell are you?

  5. peter

    LOL, this is funny. A Studdard sandwich? BWAH!!! I hope AI goes belly up, there are better shows on the air people. Wake up!!! and support some real talent.

  6. Anonymous

    Clay can sing !!! Sing is the Key Word!! What else he or any singer does is irelevent. Sing Clay, sing! We love you

  7. karl

    whoa, obsess much stephanie? lol, dial it back, that much hatred will kill you. btw, i think he sold like 6 million copies so that would be a lot of claymates or a lot of $ anyway so he be doing alright anyway

    strange article but kind of funny. relax people, check out the carrie underwood bit. obviously not serious

  8. Jerry

    I’m sure ALL of the AI winners are doing well. This article, satire or not, is just a cheap shot at a few people who took the initiative to follow their dream and made it happen.

  9. m.g.m

    I do not believe one word of this story.Taylor Hicks would not speak this way about other idols or contestants. sad one would resort to a place like this for a “story”. Leslie , maybe you should shovel horse manure,you do have experience at that,obviously.

  10. CJ

    Don’t believe this story …… for one thing Taylor Hicks has too much class to ever dice his fellow man or woman. So you may think this is a funny story, but it is a piece of crap.

  11. Archie

    Taylor Hicks has more class than that, do you people have anything else to do but put a good man down.

  12. Lisa

    I agree with Gia, it does sound like sour grapes to me! Why is he putting everybody down when he’s no better? I was routing for Hicks his year on American Idol, but I’m really turned off by what he says. I’ve heard him saying other awkward things since he won AI. Fame went to his head!

  13. Debbie

    If he had half the voice, charm and personality as Clay does, maybe he would sell more albums. He’s too busy bad-mouthing everyone else that has been more successful than he is.

  14. Mytheos Holt

    It’s articles like this that make me very, very glad that no matter how many controversial positions I take as a conservative columnist, I will never be part of pop culture.

  15. Michele

    It’s a free country, and everyone is entitled to a opinion: For however much or LITTLE it means. I guess you know your opinion falls on the miniscule end. Say what you like about Hicks, he could care less. He just laughs all the way to the bank!

  16. giovanna

    For anyone who thinks that Taylor Hicks EVER says a bad word about ANYONE, Idol or not, they don’t have a clue what type of man Taylor Hicks is.

  17. Bobbie

    Leslie, what a sad commentary that you have to “attempt” humor at the expense of someone as classy and talented as Taylor. I say attempt because it wasn’t humorous. Taylor has always treated his fans and colleagues with respect and kindness. He stands head and shoulders above any of the other Idol winners. Taylor is currently enjoying great success. After starring on Broadway, and in the Grease national tour. He has released his new single and video from his latest album.
    BTW, while I’m not a Claymate, I have bought Clay’s albums.

  18. CL5X

    If I had turned something like this into my professors when I was in journalism school, I would have been thrown out of the program immediately.

  19. namforth

    It is not surprising that a contestant like Taylor Hicks ,who defined the anti-IDOL image would get this type of response from Argus readers. It’s a shame that more competitons don’t celebrate uniqueness.

  20. CG

    Hopefully, someday when you grow up, you will learn the difference between humor and mean-spirited ignorance. Taylor Hicks is a class act. He has never spoken unkindly about AI or any of the other idols, and it is unfair of you to treat him in this way. If this article is an example of the talent you possess as a journalist, I would suggest that you seriously consider another path in life.

  21. Jo

    Hah. I’m a Taylor fan, but I thought this was funny for also taking a dig at Carrie Underwood. Come on, lighten up.

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