Marxist “Monopoly”

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There is no banker; he has been replaced by the state. Starting with the state each player rolls the dice. It doesn’t matter what you roll; the state goes first and dictates the order in which the players follow him. Pick up which thimble you want (they are all the same) and place it at the factory, formerly known as “Go.”

For the first time around the board you attempt to destroy the bourgeoisie neighborhoods. Once you, the proletariat, have conquered the neighborhood, you change all the colors corresponding to the neighborhoods to the same white color. After all the neighborhoods are the same, you and the rest of the proletariat systematically build communes consisting of the same ranch style house and linen factory.

When you pass the Go factory, the state will collect $200 and give you a bread line ticket. A player lands in Jail when(1.) he is found wearing a monocle; (2.) remembers Uncle Money Bags nostalgically; (3.) he throws doubles three times in secession (what, you think you’re lucky or something? How uppity can you be? Get the fuck back in line).

There are no winners or losers. The game ends either when you die as you toil your life away in a socialistic dystopia or when capitalism (your parents) force you to get a job.

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