Individuals entered the Freeman Athletic Center pool area last Saturday after closing hours, and proceeded to vandalize the pool itself by dying the water red.
The incident was announced Saturday evening via email and a post on both the Wesleying blog and the Wesleyan Anonymous Confession Board. The message, sent out via e-mail at 8:49 p.m., invited students to participate in party going on in and around the Freeman pool, whose water was colored to show “Wesleyan pride”.
The group claiming responsibility called itself “Lock and Link”, attaching a formatted graphic with the group name to the e-mail invitation sent out to students.
According to Director of Public Safety Dave Meyer, Public Safety (PSafe) officers discovered the vandalism while on a routine check of the pool area.
“The pool area was empty, but apparently an e-mail was sent, so a lot of students were coming by to check it out,” Meyer said.
One of those students was Mary Lauren Hall ’10, who said she too got there after the “party” had ended.
“I went by around 10:30 p.m. and it appeared the door had been propped open, but there was no one else there,” Hall said. “It seemed like whatever had been there had already been broken up.”
According to Meyer, several students were in the area since the building itself was still open. While parts of Freeman stay open until 10:45 p.m., the pool area itself closes at 5:30 p.m.
Whether or not anyone was actually swimming in the pool has not been verified. As of yet no one has been directly held accountable by PSafe, but Meyer said they are holding ongoing investigations to find out who is responsible.

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