This Friday, the Argus will publish an issue consisting entirely of archival articles. Since the good ole Ampersand isn’t published on Fridays, we’re beating those guys to the punch with our own clip show.

Now, you may be asking yourself, “Hey, this is the Ampersand. Shouldn’t there be more than two articles? Shouldn’t they be providing witty, topical, prescient humor on a weekly basis? Shouldn’t they be delivering the fresh and innovative comedy that I come to expect from them each week?” But you’re not thinking that. You don’t even understand American comedy, Santo. You dumb-ass motherfucker. What were you thinking yesterday? Obviously you don’t look good in turtlenecks. Stop raising your fucking hand in my philosophy class, ass-douche. Your questions are bad and you smell like shit.

Love and Basketball,
Brendan, Brian & Gelman

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