Hey Wes,

My name’s Alexis Horan, and I am the intern at the University Organizing Center (UOC) this year. The UOC is the building at 162 Church Street between Beta and Open House, across from the Bayit. What I do is (ahem) “provide peer assistance and support to Wesleyan’s various affinity groups and organizations” and “lend logistical assistance to student organizations and advise and encourage them in the use of campus resources.” I am also “responsible for fostering communication among various activist organizations and groups on campus.” So yes, I am trying to do all of those things. But above all, the UOC is student space that Wesleyan students fought hard for, and if there are resources that I can access through my position that would make the UOC more helpful, or more inviting, or more like you want it to be, I’d really like to hear about it.

There’s going to be an open house at the University Organizing Center on Wednesday, Oct. 24 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. There will be food from Typhoon. There will also be a lot of chances for you to talk about or write down or draw what you think the UOC needs, or what you would like to see the UOC become. It will also be a chance to hang out and talk with other student organizers, and you’ll get to see the space if you haven’t been here before. Or, if you’re just feeling really confused about what the UOC is, this would be a really good way to find out. And also eat Typhoon.

Some things that are cool about the UOC: there’s a really great space with really comfy couches for meetings or whatever else you/your student group might need it for, an Anti-Oppression Library with more than 200 books that you can borrow (or hang out here and read), a lot of office and poster-making supplies you/your group can use, and space to file student group papers that you want to keep in a safe place and have easy access to.

The “office hours” of the UOC this semester are: Sunday 8-10 p.m., Monday 1-4 p.m., Tuesday 7-8 p.m., Wednesday 1-4 p.m., and Thursday 1-2 p.m. During those times the Center will be open and I’ll be around, so stop by and take a look at the space, check out the Anti-Oppression Library, or talk to me about what you think the UOC needs and any ideas you may have. Otherwise, if your group ever wants to use the space or you want to get into the UOC, e-mail me. In general I’d really like to talk to folks who do any kind of organizing on campus… so stop by or send me an email. I’m at ahoran@wesleyan.edu or uoc@wesleyan.edu. See you Wednesday?

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