“It was the best time I’ve ever had dancing for three hours by myself,” said Donovan Arthen ’11, not depicted here. In 2005, the Sex Party came under fire when several alarms went off halfway through the night, summoning Public Safety to the scene, disappointing those who’d bought tickets.

A Wesleyan tradition, this year’s party was sold out and had long lines of students waiting outside the doors. “There were students trying to climb in the windows and up the balcony,” said Noa Wotton ’10, not pictured here.

More attractive members of the student body struck poses such as this one. Due to safety concerns, last year’s Halloween Party, traditionally the Sex Party follow-up bash, was held in MoCon much to many students’ chagrin. This year MoCon remained empty and Eclectic filled with party guests such as those not pictured above.

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