With the new campus center in place, the main comments I have heard are as follows:

1. Sushi all the time? Why?… Who eats sushi for breakfast?
3. Why are these lines SO ridiculously long?
4. Why is everything so expensive?
5. Where are the gender neutral bathrooms (other than the four tucked away together in the corner of the basement)?

And sixth, but the one that has basically been all that most of my friends have been talking about:

What are vegans and vegetarians supposed to do?

When I met the head of Bon Appétit, one of the first things he said in the tour he gave to ResLife staff was: “Most vegans and vegetarians don’t eat meat.” From the get-go, I was concerned. And, now, I’m even more concerned. The last time I managed to eat at Usdan I got a plate from the Vegan/Kosher section and literally found not one bite of it edible. Before that I had only eaten from the Mongolian grill. One day it was closed so I got some pasta with the vegan (tomato sauce), tofu, and some veggies. I couldn’t eat the sauce, it was that bad, and the veggies were still raw. Mmm…

Today I tried to go to Summerfields for lunch and found three items with chicken or beef and one item with cheese! What about vegans?

The vegan sandwiches that so many of us loved are completely gone from Pi and this campus!

While Usdan is filled with hamburgers, a sausage maker, a “high-quality chicken sandwich,” and tons of other meat products, where is the soy milk? Where are the veggie burgers? Where is the almond butter that so many of us loved at vegan? Where is any kind of vegan desert?

The vegans/vegetarians of this campus won’t just disappear and we are hungry!

After all, even the veggie burger at WesWings has cheese and I know many people echo my opinion when I say:

You can’t live off salad.

So, Wesleyan, don’t forget, not everyone eats animal products!

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