Editor’s note

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I think we were all hoping that Barack would be our next President but Michael Roth is pretty cool too. Every semester he teaches a course at the California College of Arts and Crafts. This means he cares about education. It also means that he is nerdier than Bennet. But if “She’s All That” has taught me anything, it’s that anyone can be made cool. All it takes is a simple bet and being attractive.

Also, Passover and Easter were celebrated last week, which has left two questions on every theologian’s mind, “What Would Jesus Do?” and “Who Is Mike Jones?” As this page will surely be read for ages, perhaps even days, I’ll leave you with a quote from raptureready.com that I think is very appropriate:

“I realize this web page will be addressing two audiences: those of you who read this page before the rapture and those of you who read it after the rapture.”

For those of you who read it after, I hope you learn something.


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