Hundreds of college students gathered in lounges and dorm rooms this past Sunday night over wings and beer to watch the year’s most-anticipated television event. Parties were planned solely for the screening, and many participants sported apparel featuring their favorite X-team members. Although for many, this clash of the titans had a foregone conclusion, all were excited to watch the events of the night unfold. For the first time in several months, X2: X-Men United was on Fox.

Fans were not let down by this year’s showing of X-Men 2. The mutants and the humans seemed pretty evenly matched throughout the first half. At the halfway point, Pyro provided an exciting show, using giant waves of fire to blow up police cars. However, the spectacle was cut short due to an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction which caused one of Rogue’s hands to become exposed and latch onto Pyro’s ankle.

In the second half, the mutants went on the offensive. Wolverine fans watched anxiously in the third quarter, as he went up against fellow adamantium-cored, self-healing mutant, Lady Deathstrike. For several minutes, it looked as if he would not be able to make a comeback. However, in the final seconds, he managed a formidable offensive play, tackling Lady Deathstrike and pumping her full of liquid adamantium.

Although the mutants were victorious, it came at a cost. In the last moments of the match, Jean Grey made an amazing play, sacrificing herself to allow Storm to bring the team home. Grey suffered heavy injuries, and authorities are still not sure if she will be able to resume her position on the team.

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