Krazy Bordrrz, a Middletown skateboarding, fashion, and music association, is currently on day four of its plan to “bring l33t pwnage and fuck shit up evrey day at welseyan collage!” Krazy Bordrrz, which was founded in the summer of 2006, counts eight local youths among its members.

Its founders are Tucker Washington, 14; Norbert McDonald, 12; “Weasel” McDonald, 17; and Alberto Gomez, 17. All attend Middletown High School except Norbert McDonald, who attends Woodrow Wilson Middle School.

Krazy Bordrrz does not have a written mission statement. In emails with the Ampersand, they revealed that they consider it essential to remain at the forefront of fashion and music, while maintaining a level of technical excellence in skateboarding. Krazy Bordrrz has been responsible for introducing to the Wesleyan population such trends as underground rockers My Chemical Romance and hoodies. Washington said of the association’s goals, “We’re gonna blow some minds up at Wesleyan, you know. We on the cutting edge of style, droppin’ tricks that rock your shit.” Added Gomez, “Yeah.”

Wesleyan student Maxine Zinwich ’07 said of Krazy Bordrrz, “We’re just so lucky to have these guys around. They’ve really opened my eyes to a wider world of culture. I used waste my life with Bach and Haydn all the time, but now I listen to real geniuses like AFI and Taking Back Sunday.”

Many Wesleyan students echo Zinwich’s feelings. “Weasel taught me how to do an ollie,” noted Zach Kapper ’09. “I haven’t gotten it yet, but spending six hours a day practicing, like my hero Tony Hawk, is way better than spending six hours a day doing pre-med work so I could eventually work as a trauma surgeon.” Added Kapper, “Rules are gay. Working within the system is gay. Helping people is gay. Krazy Bordrrz taught me that.”

Krazy Borrdrz plan on holding a symposium on Friday, entitled “Who’s More Bangable, Pamela Anderson Ten Years Ago or the Chick from Evanescence?” The symposium will happen on the sidewalk outside Mocon, at 3:30 p.m., or 4:30 p.m. if Gomez gets detention again. It will also address the question “What Do Boobies Really Feel Like?” The Krazy Bordrrz will then play X-Box for three hours and try to sneak into Borat.

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