First, I would like to say thank you to Anna Roberts Gevalt for her fair review of the recent 92 Theater satire “Western Civilization.” Just under two weeks ago, I entered the 92 with no preconceptions or notion of what I was about to see, simply wanting to appreciate Anna Martin’s wonderful lighting job. To be honest, I was rather tired and not looking to be critical of the play in any way. At first, I was simply amused and enjoying the simplicity of the humor, language, and structure. However, this play could not have come at a more horrifically fitting time. A play that, in appearance, mocks marginalization, heteronormativity, racism, and other oppressive forces, in fact perpetuated many of these dominant ideologies.

Imagine, if you will, that the song, “Let’s Be Frank About the Muslims,” was instead “Let’s Be Frank About the Africans.” Replace the use of the word “towel-head” with the n-word. I and no one else would have stood for that, just as no one should have stood for a song making fun of a racial minority in America. Where was the song “Let’s Be Frank About White Americans?” Everyone was not made fun of in this play. Patriarchy may have been used in a humorous context, but white men were never satired. In mocking persecuted groups, the privileged groups remained in power, laughing at those who have been subordinated.

Furthermore, many of the jokes actually made fun of marginalized groups, with no hint of satire. Rob Boyd’s feminist character was labeled ridiculous, as though a biological male could never side with, in quoting Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler, “the radical notion that women are people.” I am a male-identified FGSS major who openly identifies as a feminist. Is my feminist label less valid because of my gender identity? Boyd suddenly stepped out of his role as a male at one point in the play, shrieking in a mockingly high-pitched tone, “But I am a woman!” to which Leah Lucid’s character replied, “No you’re not!” While the audience roared with laughter, I sat cringing. Here was not a joke about transphobia, but targeting trans-identified persons. Why could his character not identify as female?

Transgenderism is still openly mocked in modern media and conversation. People can joke about sex changes, the possibility of that girl in the dress having a penis underneath, and anyone who in some way does not conform to the gender binary.

At Westco on Friday, Doug Bennett said that this school was diverse, defining diversity as the allowance for all students in “diverse groups” to be safe and accepted. Well, President Bennett, Muslims, women, active feminists, and transpeople are members of these “diverse groups.”

My critique is more than simply an evaluation of a play that was well-performed and presented. I commend the actors and staff of “Western Civilization.” However, at this time in our school’s history we need to recognize the sensitivity and potential harm of our actions. Are words like, “Let’s Hear It For Homos Today” allowing for space to critique homophobia, or are they contributing to ideas that it’s okay to joke about queers and be openly homophobic?

Doug Bennet went on to tell those present that Wesleyan is, above all, an institution of learning. How can this be an institution of learning when people cannot feel safe? When students are surrounded by open hatred and oppression?

When students are being egged and yelled at? Many people on this campus right now are terrified of the current situation and for themselves, their classmates, and friends. To be an institution of learning, we need to first be safe, open, and accepting of all people. So, President Bennet, staff, and the greater student body, I ask you: What does it mean to you that “academia” is being put before safety?

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