Wesfest is this weekend. This issue comes out on Tuesday. An entire issue dedicated to prefrosh, but none of them will see it. That’s possibly the most amusing thing the Ampersand has done all semester. Take pity on us and save a copy for your prefrosh.

Take pity on the prefrosh, too. They have a serious problem. There’s no good way to shout their class year in a gutteral way that makes otherwise unassuming people sound like giant meatheads (Yeeeeeah, ooooooh-six!). Seriously, try it: “Ten!” “One-Oh!” “Nickel-Penny-Penny-Penny-Penny-Penny!” Nothing sounds quite as good. Our recommendation? Get on the phone with some ’97 alums and ask what the hell they yelled, ’cause no one who’s here now can help you.

Johann and Katie

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