1. Do you know how many buildings on this campus have gender-neutral bathrooms?

2. Do you know which bathrooms are wheelchair-accessible?

3. Do you think about your gender every time you have to use the bathroom, or do you have the privilege of being able to use and feeling safe in either men’s rooms or women’s rooms? While (some) dorms on campus have established wheelchair-accessible gender-neutral bathrooms, many other buildings that students use on a daily basis have not. For some people, this leaves no bathroom to use in which they can feel safe and free from harassment due to their gender presentation. Providing these bathrooms is necessary to protect students, faculty, and staff from discrimination. When today’s seniors were frosh, activism and coalition-building led to the addition of gender identity and expression to Wesleyan’s non-discrimination clause. Let’s make that mean something.

4. Most of us have seen in our dorms that gender-neutral bathrooms are feasible. It is neither healthy nor fair for any student to:

-be forced to pick, between two gendered bathrooms, the one in which ze is less likely to be harassed,

-have to identify within a binary gender every time ze uses a bathroom,

-leave a building where ze has class or work every time ze needs to pee.

5. To ensure that every building on campus has at least one gender-neutral and accessible bathroom, we first need to know the status of the bathrooms in every building. This will allow us to present this information—like an inventory—to the university so that they can make a concrete plan to ensure bathroom access for ALL people in ALL buildings.

6. This is where you—the concerned reader—come in. We are coordinating a mass effort this Friday to survey the buildings on campus as to their number of gender-neutral bathrooms and the accessibility of those bathrooms. Bring a friend and come to the table in the campus center between 12 and 5 to pick a building. You’ll get a free t-shirt and pizza out of it. We’ll all get accessible bathrooms.

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