Club Liquors will soon close in accordance with a new University initiative to develop the corner between Cross and Vine streets into a campus dining establishment. The University acquired the property that houses Club Liquors and Neon Deli five years ago.

“Our intention has always been to adapt the site to uses that can best serve the University community,” said Director of Communications Justin Harmon in an e-mail. “Still, as we made the purchase, we were obliged to honor the lease with the liquor store. The store’s lease has now expired, and we will not renew it.”

The owner of the store, Mark Donovan, was told that the University would not renew his lease when it bought the property from its previous owner five years ago, so he is not surprised at the decision.

“What the University did business-wise was perfectly legal,” said Donovan. “All I know is that I’m not wanted here. The only thing that upsets me is the fact that I didn’t have the opportunity to recoup my [initial investment of $70,000]. I’m walking away minus $70,000 and without a job. It’s a bittersweet-type thing.”

The University intends to create a new building on the site, but the details of the project and a timeline have yet to be determined. According to the owner of Neon Deli, Fran Galle, his store will have a role in the new building as a compact, take-out version of the current deli.

“When our lease is up in another year, we’ll have to find some space off-campus until the new building [is constructed],” Galle said. “Then we’ll probably find additional space somewhere in town where we can do catering preparation. When we’re back on campus, it’ll be more of a Neon Deli express—it’ll be a takeout, not a grocery, with a lot of food to go, a really expanded menu.”

In Galle’s understanding, these plans have been discussed for years. Yet, due to the many other projects the University is undertaking, including the Usdan University Center, the renovation may take some time to prepare and undertake.

“We’re trying to renovate that corner,” said Director of Auxiliary Operations and Campus Services Manny Cunard. “It is an ideal location for a dining venue. It will be very convenient for students living in the new residences. There’s been some conversation for looking at that as the new location for Weshop. That’s only one of many possibilities for the future. The [Dining Services Advisory Committee] has been looking at a number of issues.”

Students questioned the timing of the closing.

“They shouldn’t be able to eliminate the liquor store if they don’t have set plans for the new building,” said Sam Wojack ’06.

Katherine Johnson ’06 lamented the loss of a local business within a short walking distance from campus housing.

“It’s sad,” she said. “I’ve always found it a welcoming environment because the guys who work there are all so welcoming and friendly. I’ll miss the guys that work there. It’s a link to the community that’s gone.”

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