After ten weeks at Wesleyan, you start to get your bearings and can clearly see what’s what. Here are just a few senses I’ve come to thus far in my first semester:
Sense of Community. People are too hard on Middletown. Personally, I haven’t been beaten, robbed, or arrested as of yet, so I can’t really complain. Yet, there seems to be feelings of resentment and a standoffish attitude between the town and the university. For my part, anything with laser tag and homeless people can’t be all bad.
Sense of Pride. Perhaps the football team doesn’t get respect from around the league because it doesn’t get respect here, at home. The root of our problems is our lack of support. We really need to take a good long look at ourselves. And for all you football haters out there, chew on this: Wesleyan football would be considered a lot better if we were in Europe, where football means soccer.
Sense of Self. With the advent of sites such as facebook and myspace, there have become two types of people: the stalker and the stalked. To get an idea of which group you’re part of, ask yourself this: ‘How many hours do I spend on the anonymous confessional board?’ There certainly is a sense of celebrity on campus, with all the beautiful people at Wes being at the center. They develop cult followings that constantly check their facebooks’ and anonymously profess their undying love for them on confession boards. Regardless of whether you’re the one being stalked or the one doing the stalking, I think we can all agree that facebook’s photo capabilities make masturbating that much easier.
Sense of Fashion. I really wanted to say sense of culture, but I don’t think there is such a phrase. Semantics aside, Wesleyan offers a lot of great ways to culture us. Sometime between frat parties, house parties, and dorm parties, some people choose to enrich something other than their blood concentration. There are a variety of acts ranging from hip-hop to opera. If only people were to plan better, we could experience the epitome of cross-cultural sharing: the Hip-Hopera. Cervantes was a G fo’ sho, rolling at least nine Moors deep.
Sensibility. In short, life without Arrested Development is not a life worth living.
The 6th Sense. Bruce Willis is dead. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s your own fault.