Editors’ Note:

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The internet is the best place to waste time since god invented the 7-11. Anyone who has recently wasted time on the particular patch of internet surrounding Wesleyan will have stumbled across the LiveJournal Wesleyan Anonymous Confessions Board.

It’s a place where people can come together and sling mud, along with the occasional compliment. There’s a lot of complaining that it’s not as warm or fuzzy as Oberlin’s board. Tough shit. Maybe you should have just gone to Oberlin. Here at Wesleyan we like it cruel, insensitive, and self-righteous.

In the course of reading, we came across some ridiculous statements, at least one of which made it into our last issue. That sparked a Wespeak, which in turn led to a couple of Wespeaks defending the Amper. We appreciate the support, but can’t say that those individuals speak for the page.

As a page, our only response is this: So, Brian Brotman, how is the Hermes going this year? Maybe next year we’ll get some freshman with the energy, enthusiasm, and skill to maintain a regular alternative publication on campus

Here’s to hoping,
Johann and Katie

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