No matter the outcome of the Nov. 2 election, the Iraq War will continue to be waged. Despite the 1,100 U.S. soldiers who’ve been killed. Despite the estimated 100,000 Iraqi civilians who’ve been killed. Despite the fact that the presence of American troops has produced weapons proliferation, mass arrests and extended incarceration, chaos within Iraq and heightened anger at the U.S. throughout the region and the world.

Despite all this, neither major presidential candidate has voiced any alternative to the broad outlines, as opposed to the tactical details, of this fateful military adventure. Only a broad-based grassroots mobilization can effectively challenge these disastrous policies.

We are WesPeace—a faculty staff peace organization started before the pre-emptive war in Iraq began. Now we hope to join with Wesleyan students to help rebuild a mass peace movement that’s just as important now as it was then, and that may have a better chance of success, with over half the U.S. public believing the war was a terrible mistake.

At noon on Nov. 3, the day after the election, faculty, staff and students will rally on the steps of Olin. Let us introduce ourselves to you, and share with you some of the ways you can become involved. There will be music, dialogue, speakers, information tables and inspiration. Bring your dissatisfaction with the state of the union and your passion for peace.

Hope to see you on Nov. 3 at noon on the steps of Olin. The election’s over but the war goes on. The movement must start now. Contact if you or your organization wants to have a table at the event.

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