Last semester the Argus ran a Wespeak stating that “Clark is the most homogeneous dorm on campus and creates a hostile environment for Wesleyan’s diverse population.” As it was the last issue before winter break, I was unable to respond.

Last week chalkings appeared in front of Clark reiterating the sentiments of the Wespeak. And so now, I respond.

Clark kids are diverse in many ways. On my hall of 34 there are 2 filmmakers, a published novelist, 4 international students, a Wescrew member, several poets, a Phish fanatic, many feminists, people pro- and anti- choice, 3 pianists, a XC runner, a republican, 2 EON members, 6 dancers, 2 Freeman Scholars, 2 half-Cubans, a photographer, 2 acappella members, a hipster, 3 pre-meds, a bassist, 2 frat boys, 4 guitarists, 2 chefs, a field-hockey player, 2 volunteer clinic escorts, 2 WSA members….and of especial note, there are 13 students of color.

A hostile environment is an extremely strong label; I do not believe this is even a remotely accurate depiction. Regardless, Clarkies do not insinuate or harbor animosity towards the rest of the campus. The only hostilities I’ve found are by those who presume, or by those who have heard rumors of Clark’s rampant white supremacy complex.

Poems for Peace

I love my dorm
You love yours
I love your dorm too
Why isn’t Clark a part of this campus too?

I’m sad
When people chalk rude, nasty words
Upon my walkway
Making me feel that people
Are angry, disgusted or hateful
Of my dorm mates and myself
Please don’t do that

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