c/o Ava Becker
As a talented doom-scroller and longtime foodie, I spend a fair amount of time watching food content on social media. I am a food trend skeptic, and yet, every once in a while I find myself curious to try a bizarre recipe that I find online. This curiosity struck when, last Saturday afternoon, I began to crave a good bagel. Weshop provided me with my essentials, including Philadelphia cream cheese, cucumber, tomato, red onion, and lox, and then, feeling creative, I decided to attempt one of the food trends that has been circulating my feed.
Enter the chopped bagel. As my bagel was toasting, I diced my vegetables into small pieces, and then mixed in a healthy amount of cream cheese and lox. As I combined this all, though, I started to feel a sense of shame. Why mess with such a timeless classic? Who am I to think I can improve what has already reached perfection? After assembling the bagel with a healthy amount of salt and pepper, I took a bite and realized that this variation of the bagel is interesting not in its flavor, but rather in its take on the typical bagel-eating experience. The magic of the chopped bagel lies in the structure: no topping fallout, no uneven distribution of flavor. Every bite contains every element, creating the most pleasant and effortless balance of texture and flavor. The joy of this trend is that it is easy to get creative with it! Try your favorite sandwich or salad in chopped form; it may be delicious. All you need is to follow the instructions below with any combination of deli meat, vegetables, and some sort of dressing or spread.
Chopped Bagel
Ava Becker can be reached at abecker@wesleyan.edu.