About the Column:
Poems of Our Climate is a weekly poetry column run by Oliver Egger ’23. Oliver Egger also runs the literary magazine group Route 9 whose literary magazine The Lavender was released last month! READ IT ONLINE AT ROUTE9.ORG. This second issue is metamorphosis themed and is looking for poetry, prose, and art connected to moments of change. Submit your poetry at tinyurl.com/wespoetry. If you are interested in having your poem featured in this column, Poems of Our Climate, please email your work directly to oegger@wesleyan.edu.
To Capture
By Lila Blaustein ’23
I walk the forest floor with two feet.
Two eyes holding one image
a sight of trees and green
the weaving of innumerable
branches, beauty
a word which floats up
which my mind hands forward
But the silence of beauty
the momentary sound of its acknowledgement
ringing in its empty well
in weakness, in the commotion that raised me
I reach for more.
Although I attach to it in small ways,
to the leaves like flicks of color,
the clarity of the air
and light catching
on the golden line of a spider web,
I bump against the place that desires
no language, desires nothing,
and still,
I reach to grab.
Because it is not enough to feel the way I feel
I must take
things outside, bring them
into my fabric of blood
and passageways, make them alone
mine, alone
and therefore exalted
And in love, too.
all things precious and felt
just mine be mine only mine
I hold my love’s face in my hands
feel fingers on her neck and cheek
Feeling something so large it controls me
feeling it must be
the largest
I reach to capture.
And to own.
Assured because all love’s,
weaker than mine,
cannot subtract from what
I have here, a perfect face
that breathes.
I press a circle on a screen,
I take a picture of the trees.
I claw with futile hands
to collect things
that will outlive me.
About the Poet:
Lila Blaustein is a junior at Wesleyan from Needham, Massachusetts.
Lila Blaustein can be reached at lblaustein@wesleyan.edu
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