As students appreciate the last few beautiful days of summer, white disks fly through the air in friendly disk tossing across campus fields. Yet some students have just started gearing up for a new season of ultimate frisbee, a sport that is much more involved than just backhanding a disk to and fro on Foss.

The Wesleyan Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team, Vicious Circles, has been honing their skills for the past few seasons in preparation for this year’s upcoming competition. The Argus talked to Presidents Melanie Bronfeld ’12 and Eleni Healy ’11 about how the season is shaping up. Perfecting their zone defense, horizontal and vertical stack, and epic lay-outs, the team prepares for pwning their main rival, Brown, and continuing the tradition of offending bystanders with their notorious masturbation cheer.

Argus : How was your season last year?
Melanie Bronfeld: Last year we did really well. We came in third in sectionals, but it wasn’t our personal best.
Eleni Healy: Sectionals were held at Wesleyan, which was really fun. We had some good support from our fans. It was absolutely sick and we had some good competition.
MB: Yale was amazing. And Brown.
EH: But we know how to compete against them. We can hold our own.

A: How is this upcoming season looking?
MB: It’s hard to tell. We lost a lot of key players last year but hopefully we’ll get a bunch of new freshmen and more student players.
EH: Yeah, we don’t have many seniors this year, so there is a lot of junior leadership which is great and makes for good team building.

A: What are some of your goals for this semester?
EH: We are trying to work as hard as we can to make it fun. The better we are, the more fun the season is going to be.
MB: We are trying to be in really good shape and pwn some ass this year.

A: How are the tournaments looking for this year?
MB: We have one in October, but I’m not sure if we are getting in. We’re also looking into one in Princeton, NJ but it’s in November, so it’s going to be freezing.

A: Do you know why the team is named Vicious Circles.
MB: Vicious Frisbee, vicious circle? You know, the “yuge” [translation: usual].
EH: Some kind of science term or something, it sounds cool. Not sure, really.

A: What are your recruitment tactics for this year? How are you going to get the coolest freshmen away from Throw Culture?
MB: What? We love Throw!
EH: We are going to have parties with them.
MB: Fuck yeah! Yes, we will definitely do that.

A: What are some of the team’s favorite cheers?
EH: Our Vicious sandwich cheer? No, the masturbate cheer!
MB: 2-4-6-8, we don’t need to masturbate, we get off on ultimate, do it, do it, do it Uhhhhhhh. With a nice hip thrust at the end.
EH: Or a body roll.

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